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Welcome: About Me

Hello. Welcome to my webpage. I hope the content you are going to read is entertaining, useful and you can enjoy reading my posts. If you like it, subscribe to the website. You can find the subscription table in the footer or at the top of the "blog" section.

About Me

My name is Kevin. I am from Argentina and I am the creator of this website. I have decided to call it "Bilingual blog" because I speak Spanish and English (my level of English is intermediate). Also, I know a little of Portuguese (it is too much little and it is not enough to write a blog).

I am an student. I have been studying to become an Spanish and Literature teacher and also, an investigator about those subjects.

What are you going to find in my webpage? Well, now, you are going to find available the "Home" section. For the moment, I am only going to upload the most important information of the website there, and the "blog" section, where I am going to publish many different posts. Also, you will find a button called "categories" in the blog section. If you push it, you will find the categories of the post I publish in the case of you might be interested only in a kind of topic of the post I publish. It is too possible that in the future, I add more section and parts in this website.

Who is this website for? This website is for people who can speak Spanish and English, or at least, one of the two languages. This website will be available in the both language: in English (UK flag) and in Spanish (The Argentina Republic flag). The main language of this website will be Spanish. If you speak English and you want to learn Spanish or you are learning Spanish, this blog will be useful for you because when you have read a post in English, you will be able to change it into Spanish to practise your Spanish comprehension skills. It is the same in the case if someone is learning English and want to practise it.

Which language will the posts of the blog publish in? Mostly, the posts of the blog will be available in the both languages, but it is possible that some section or publications can be available in one language and this will depend on the type of readers for who I write every section or post, in other words, if I only will direct to natives of Spanish language or natives of English language.

Other interesting information: The website may be modified, redesigned or expanded at any time of the year.

Collaborators of the first version of this website:

In the website's design:

Is Jade Cob. She is Mexican.


Ese. He is Argentinian.

Jass. She is Italian.

With nothing more to add, I greet you.

Notes: This post may be subject to futures modifications.

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Sobre mí

En este sitio web se publican diferentes posts en español e inglés sobre diferentes temáticas
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Hola. Mi nombre es Kevin. Soy el creador de este sitio web. He decidido llamarlo "Bilingual blog" porque hablo español e inglés (tengo un dominio intermedio). Además sé un poco de portugués (muy poco y no lo suficiente para escribir (...)



En el diseño de la página web


Is Jade Cob

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