My opinion about "Junjo Romantica"

Well, this anime has 3 seasons and I'd like to share my feelings and my thoughts about them in general. For the people who don't know, "Junjo Romantica" is a yaoi genre anime, in other words, it's gay. It's the only yaoi anime I've seen and because of that, I'd like to give my point of view.
First season:

Well, basically in the first season three different couples develop and whom almost any member of each one knows minimally each other and when every season is coming, those couples know a little more each other, but not at the point of in a chapter everybody appears together.
Supposedly, each couple represents different aspects according to its personality:
The Romantic:

This couple would be the main one. The uniformed man is called Akihiko Usami, who is a novelist writer and his boyfriend, Misaki Takahashi, who is the economic student. Their relationship is about pure love and sweet things.

The selfish:
This couple is formed by Hiroki Kamijō, who is the tallest man and Nowaki Kusama. Before Hiroki knew Nowaki, he had fallen in love with Akihiko but this last one didn't love him, therefore, his love wasn't requited. Fortunately, when Hiroki knew Nowaki, he fell in love with him.

The terrorist:
And finally, this is the last gay couple. This couple is formed by Miyagi (the black-haired man) and Shinobu. To be honest, this is the shadiest couple because Miyagi is a divorced adult man who finishes going out with his ex-wife's brother, called Shinobu. This is the one who insists on the relationship, to such a point to finish, somehow, "obsessed" for him. It must be noted that not only because the couple is formed by men where one of them is the Miyagi's ex-wife brother's Shinobu is shady, if not for the fact that one of them is adult, while another one is still going to high school.
Sharing feelings:
In this section, I'd like to show some little scenes about the series and share my feelings,
Let's start with this one...

You aren't going to deny me that these couples are so sweet :3... Each one has a soft toy animal that represents them :3

Awww... this is one of the scenes of the season's last chapters and that part happened because he and his boyfriend quarrelled and suddenly he wrote him... That face represents the typical model of amazement faces that someone does when receives a message from the person that likes :3 Don't deny that.

JAJAJAJA you are not going to deny me these animes are too much cool in order to describe feelings... those guys look so cute in those photos jajaja.

And I liked more that photo than the other last ones JAJAJAJA. The "Nos vamos" (Let's go) was told by Usami to not pleasing his boyfriend.
My opinion about the three seasons in general:
I think if we analyse this anime from a point of view in general, Junjo is a good production to LGBT community because at least there are series about LGBT. But, if we analyse this anime from the thematic's point of view... I feel this is too much cliché. Everything looks cliché, from those couples that meet each other to their manners or way to act and also, I feel each couple is a representation of a sexual role, one is the top and another one is the bottom. Which, I want to evidence my disagreement because I think these characters build stereotypes about gays or closed thoughts in relation to how gays people acts.
I want to clarify that not all bottom people have a sweet way to act and not all top people have a dominant way to act in their sexual and not sexual life. Also, we have to be conscient there are also people who are bisexual.
If we analyse the topic of these gay stories from a gender perspective, we could see that this anime reflects clearly activities or specific behaviours about gays with their sexual roles. That's why the bottom is who cooks, washes dishes and clean the house (things we can see about Misaki) and the top is who works and has the control in the house.
Let's guess the bottom in this story should be a woman, could we see a clear example about patriarchy, where women are who make the same things that the bottom does and men are who make "top" activities, such as work and keep the control in his house? If we analyse this anime from that perspective, I could say this anime reflects a closed stereotyped look about LGBT community.
However, I think Japanese are more liberals about making gays animes than us (although they are closed in relation to activities and roles). That's why we can say they are more advanced in sexual choice aspects than us.
Anyway, this post was a critic post about this anime that I still like it because it's the first gay anime I've seen and it's too cute and sweet (I like the way they are drawn and the effects) and also, it's too much cliché that I don't need to guess anything about the story, lol.
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See you!
This post was originally written in Spanish