My reaction to In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Film
Shortly, when I finished to watch the film, my reaction was...

I'd like to explain you why I had that feeling, but, before explaining that, I think it is important to know which are the authors and where they published that film.
If you haven't seen this short film, it is about two gay boys and one of them like to the another one. A day, when the boy, who like the another one, look at his "boy" go across next to him, his heart escape from his body and it tries desperately to find to his "boy". This makes them both compromising goals, to the point such a part of the short film, they suffer from the "bad looks" of the schoolmates they attend. This is what the heart destroys. But, finally, the same is healed thanks to the another boy.

This short film was published the 31 July of 2017. It had around 23 thousand of views. It was created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo in "Ringlin College of Art and Design". It is in the California state, The US.
Why did this short film give me many expectations?
Well, we must be realistic and realise that we are in the XXI century, where the LGBT rights are heard in many societies from different countries, in which, before this century, it had been discriminated and considered as a type of mental illness.
In addition to this, I think this type of short film is something positive because everybody knows that in Disney films, all the couples are heterosexuals. That's why, I think from don't to have any rights to a tried to do a gay cartoon film is a big advance and that's why, I think this short film had a lot of views. Also, because it shows the things that happen in the society and especially in schools, where we can see that the gays boys are discriminated. This part is shown in the film when the classmates of the gay boys look at them in a wrong way.
Sincerely, I felt touched because of this short film because I have never seen a beautiful gay cartoon in my life (Excluding the anime yaoi, which by the way, I think the Japanese are much more advanced than our western society ... theme for another post) and I think it is one of the first attempts to naturalize gay people, in other words, to include them in the society and to consider them as someone else and not as an exception or something rare.
Well, in addition to this rare analysis, I think the short film is beautiful because the idea was very thought, the digital effects are really good and the topic of a heart that escape from the body and look for his "loved boy" is too sweet.
I hope that in a future not too long, the film industry (one of them, Disney) invest money doing this type of films, just as it does with other films. In addition to this, the authors of this short film, in an interview in, said that they had uploaded this short film to collect money to finish their project of a gay film where people can see the problem that children suffer during their adolescence to accept their sexual orientation and the problem that other people have to accept what is different from oneself.

The authors of this short film made these cover page alluding to other famous films, between them, "The Fault in Our Stars" and "Brokeback Mountain"
I would like to know your opinion of this short film. Please, if there is a homophobic, don't write anything because I know from memory all your opinions. Leave your comments below of this post. Do you think cartoons of this type will be launched soon?